remember i did a story on a bunch of HUNKS last year? well, there's gonna be a sequel people! and in our first day of shoot, we had jason morgan and roger frampton from SOUL. ideally there would be an interview on each on the hunks to go with the editorial, but i didn't translate the interviews to chinese on time to make the deadline so the it's not gonna make it to the editorial:( however, the highlight of it can be read here, so read on
3 adjectives to describe yourself - determined. loving. goofy. if u would get a tattoo what would it be? a lion on my back or my chest. i love lions cos they are strong and beautiful. what's your sign? i'm a picies. your favorite sports is? hockey. it's fast and physical! what inspires you the most? new adventures
what do u wanna be when u grow up? i always wanted to be a fireman. the most beautiful thing you've ever seen is? whale watching with my girl friend in monterey bay. your biggest pet peeve is? i want the whole world to walk on the right hand side of the sidewalk. 3 adjectives to describe yourself - focused. friendly. thoughtful.