up up up up
this story, for the bi-annual periodical I.T POST & my favorite story for this season by far, was shot in many different locations in seoul in a very cold november day. the two korean boys with eyes the shape of a tadpole, 안승준 AHN SEUNG JUN with ESTEEM & 주어진 JOO EO JIN with AGENCY GARTEN, had been great troopers by giving us diligence, professionalism & wicked poses while swinging high in the sky. some people do things for money while others do it because it gets them to the next thing, but for us, on that day, especially angel, perpet, & me simply wanted to create something beautiful & unforgettable. & it’s the pure collective intentionality of the crew that generated a chemistry so rare & golden. perhaps that’s what we called magic. after the last shot, some of us was sitting on the sidewalk, sipping warm yuzu tea & having a cigarette break as the winter sun setting behind us. out of the blue, EO JIN said something like “it’s a bit heartbreaking that today is almost over.” well, we couldn’t agree more with him