J c , the sequel
I’ve seen this lanky asian kid all decked out working at the GANT store in the past as i walked by prince street in nolita countless times. t’was last spring that i took a photograph of him & got to talk to him a little & knew that he’s name’s jc. that BLOG ENTRY was an instant hit. this spring, i met with him for lunch @ AUGUST (one of his favorites) & then took more pictures of him under the just-started-blooming trees. everythin's beauteous!
i like it when people surprise me, simply because cliche & stereotype are everywhere & mediocrity seems to be sticking around always. so when someone who's a bit different with quirk & eccentricity comes along & makes me think a little differently, inspiration begins
jc‘s chinese. he works a full time job & is never lack of style on the outside & traditional chinese virtues on the inside ( his daily routine includes dressing up splendidly well & reminding himself the importance of being a good son & be patient). we talked about what he wants to be when he grows up & how is it like to be asian trying to strive in this industry ...
the first time i met him he was the assistant store manager & now he works in the office for wholesale & the future looks promising to him. from the tone of his voice you know how ready he is to embrace the adventures to come with the right dose of ambition & a whole lot of courage
his presence is elegant as he stands up straight with grace; yet his friends say “his leaning is much more couture.” i was telling him over lunch that from just talking to him you know his parents did a great job raising him
great manner, eloquence, humility, colorful insights, & kindness to strangers. he got it all. he studied african studies in school & he sees fashion from an anthropological point of view with knowledge & perspective that will open your eyes
this is a city of disenchanted posers & phony social climbers & trust fund babies with major issues or kids that say they are supernova artists who do absolutely no shit or never follow through. so glad that jc is definitely the opposite of those
who you truly are & what you actually do trump what you say & what you say you’re gonna do. action & accomplishment kick the asses of the names you drops & the “likes” you have in social media. this kid got me thinking about one of the favorite fairy tales of mine - pinocchio. no matter fucking what, you got to be brave, truthful, & unselfish …