wecouldgrowup2gether with : mike winchester

wcgut with mike winchester 1 wcgut with mike winchester 2 wcgut with mike winchester 3 wcgut with mike winchester 4 wcgut with mike winchester 5 when you did a shoot in extreme weather, everyone in the crew showed how professional, or how not professional, they were. not only this new kid mike winchester with FUSION had not whined a single word of how cold it was ( he did screamed a hell lot since it was really cold out ) he gave you no-stop jumping poses & that grin of his with sass + sweetness. shooting in the city in winter was never easy, the time crunch was tough & the wind was tougher, but the whole crew gave more than 100%. the last time i did a shoot in new york city was more than a year ago, it felt truly awesome to do it again, especially when we got to wrap things up in the magical jane carousel; & it felt a little like homecoming, in a very sentimental way. kai, jenna, & my dear friend kim, a big fat thank you and we made it!