when we first started to plan the sequel to our first collection of interview stories on a bunch of korean model boys last autumn entitled
SEOUL MATES, perpet said sung jin park 박성진 would be the one she wanted to talk to the most as we continued with this adventure. so angel & i decided to be a little mischevious & lied about us not being able to get sung jin, but infact saving him for last, so that we can surprise the hell out of perept & hoping that she'd shit her pants. well, she didn't shit or piss her pants & instead, she said something like, "i think my job in seoul is done!" so we guessed she happy & we were too. now back to sung jin, this one has scored major campaigns like bottega veneta & calvin klein. he gave rad answers like when he was a kid, he bit a baby simply cos he thought the baby so cute, & he sweared to god that modelling is the easiest job in the world. he also raps in a band & don't give a shit to the haters out there cos he thinks all those hate would just fuels him to do better & become a better version of himself. even though he was an hour + 10 minutes late, the way he smelled as he arrived, his no bullshit no front policy, aka honesty, how he yelled cos the belt of my coat was soaking in the gross ass puddle while photographing him cancelled out the tardiness. now that's charisma. star quality we call it