last november, we all gathered in seoul for a shoot featuring these two amazing korean boys with even more amazing names, LEE HEE SU 이희수 & NOH SHIN SHIN 노신신, for i.tpost. t'was winter time so daylight was limited & we were on a major time crunch & the 30-ish looks inside those 3 big-ass suitcases ain't helping at fucking all since we had to shoot in multiple spots inside a park with no car. so i was yelling at everyone & lost an expensive camera lens & everyone was so tense but it all happened for a good reason. if we weren't working that fast, we won't be able to make to the second location by the river to catch that magic hour. literally, we had 5 minutes to shoot that sunset light with those glorious thome browne kimonos that perpet & i had been dreaming all season for. at the end, it all worked out swimmingly well & a korean barbeque dinner for celebration was mandatory. soju everyone!