walked by the MULBERRY shop on new bond street the other day and got totally amazed by the monster window display. their autumn winter collection was inspired by maurice sendak’s book where the wild things are and the mulberry monsters were created based on a commissioned illustration by emma houlston. that reminds me of ludo from one of my favorite childhood movie stories the labyrinth. ludo looks monstrous but is gentle and playful. he speaks rudimentary broken english and refers to himself in the third person. he has a special power to summon rocks, from small stones to big ass boulders, which comes in handy when he has to save the gang. he even met with princess diana when the movie premiered with his creator jim henson by his side. oh the labyrinth. i never wanna dress like a tranny or anything but if i were to be a girl for a day, ima be jennifer connelly in that gown and heading straight to that jareth masquerade ball in the castle of goblin town y'all!