if you take the limousine bus from the airport to shibuya, you would always pass by this whimsically english little shop called the
BRITISH EQUIPMENT TRADING. this marvellous establishment run by masaki-san, a very dapper and very friendly japanese fella who's passionately into all things british ( he was wearing a barbour jacket with an oxford shirt and a tie while it was 100 degrees outside ), has a walk-in closet housing the best selection / collection of barbour jackets evah; from vintage to new old stock, and to size 36, something so rare it's even difficult to find in london, it has it all. on top of that you can find all things british here – from old enamel baths, to beer mats, to walker shortbreads, and chivers jams. oh did i mention the shelve of beautiful trickers shoes and boots? there are lovely teapots on the go of hot mint tea when the weather is colder and books or dvds about the great britain are also available to exchange for regular customers. opened in 2011, this shop is an extension of masaki-san's love and collection of everything english. he journeys to northern county like yorkshire three times a year to look for the things he likes. from the way he dresses to the way he speaks, you can tell this gentleman loves what he does and live what he loves. p.s. i just realized there is a spread about masaki-san and his shop in the latest issue of